Eligibility Criteria and Frequently Asked Questions

Submissions are closed for FEST 2024

Submissions are for these themes:

  1. Enhancing the global marketplace for fusion energy

  2. Building a diverse and global workforce

  3. Improving public education & engagement in fusion energy

Youth submission, for individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 years old, in any of the three categories above.

Submissions are free of charge and open to individuals and organizations coming from IAEA’s Member States. Submissions are encouraged from teams with abroad spectrum of participants, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Academia and Research Entities

  • Startups and Industry

  • Policymakers and Government Bodies

  • NGOs and Civil Organizations

  • Individual Innovators


Gender balance and regional balance will be considered. To participate in the youth category, all team members must be between 15 and 24 years of age at the time of initial submission.

What is the evaluation criteria?

Relevance to the problem statement thematic area: Submissions will be evaluated based on how directly they address or contribute to the respective goals of each problem statement thematic area.

  • Quality and Innovation: The originality, uniqueness, and innovative nature of the submission will be assessed, as well as the overall quality of the research and proposed solutions.

  • Potential Impact: The potential impact of the submission on enhancing the global marketplace for fusion energy, building a diverse and global workforce, and improving public education and engagement in fusion energy will be considered.

  • Feasibility and Scalability: The feasibility of implementing the proposed idea, its scalability potential, and practicality in real-world settings will also be taken into account.

Ultimately, the evaluation process aims to identify solutions that are critical to the global advancement of fusion energy and can be successfully developed in collaboration, ensuring fusion energy becomes a cornerstone of the world’s clean energy future.

What are the benefits of participating?

Possibility of attendance at the SOTF (TBC) and COP29 (TBC): One representative from each winning team will be invited, with all expenses covered, to attend SOTF for the Youth category and COP29 for all others. These representatives will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a global audience.

  • Recognition: The selected individuals will have the opportunity to be recognized. This recognition can help enhance their professional reputation and open doors to further opportunities.

  • Networking: The selected individuals will get the chance to work closely with IAEA, the US Fusion Outreach Team and other partners who share a common interest in fusion energy development. This provides a valuable networking platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and future partnerships.

  • Access to resources: The selected individuals will be offered opportunities for business matchmaking and mentoring, partnerships and potential funding for developing their concepts in cooperation with IAEA and other partners.

Statement on Intellectual Property

Submissions must not: (a). violate the intellectual property rights of third parties; (b) be illegal under applicable national laws and international law; and (c) depict or incite hatred, defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten a specific person or social group, incite violence or conflict or otherwise violate the legal rights of third parties (including those of privacy and publicity).

Participants will retain the intellectual property rights on the contents of their submissions. However, each participant grants a limited, non-exclusive, global royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, communicate, demonstrate, make available for public display, and distribute the contents of their submission for the Contest’s informational and educational or awareness purposes, via digital or other means. 

By entering the submission, each participant agrees to release and hold organizers harmless from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights arising out of or relating to their participation in the content of their submissions.